Break bad Habits Hypnosis. Hypnosis for habits. Hypnotherapy for habits. Hypnosis Galway. Hypnotherapy Galway. Hypnosis Ireland. Hypnotherapy Ireland. Hypnosis for habits. Jonathan Finn Hypnosis.

  • Struggling to let go of an
    unwanted habit or behaviour?
  • Do you find yourself still doing “X” habit even though it’s having a negative impact on your life?
  • Are you ready to let go of that habit and move forward in life with the freedom you deserve?

Hypnosis is a powerful method of Breaking Unwanted Habits, quickly and easily!

Break unwanted habits. Hypnosis for habits. Hypnotherapy for addictions. Jonathan Finn Hypnosis.

Hypnosis for Trauma. Hypnosis for Healing PTSD. Jonathan Finn Hypnosis.

Hypnosis session bad habits. Hypnosis for addictions. Hypnosis for nail biting.

Think of a small child learning how to walk, read, write or tie their shoes.

Now, think of an adult learning how to drive a car, play a new sport or a musical instrument.

The above skills are difficult when we first start learning them and require lots of practice and repetition to improve.

However, after a certain amount of repetition, your Unconscious Mind (the part of your mind responsible for running behaviours and habits) recognises certain behaviours or skills as important or essential.

It will then “take over” the job of running those behaviours or skills and automate them for you. (This is similar to installing programs on a computer)

This means, you don’t even have to think about doing them, you just simply do them.

Hypnosis. Hypnotherapy bad habits.

This is how habits are formed

Weight Management.

This mechanism is very useful for all the skills we actually need, but what about Unwanted Habits or Behaviours like..

The good news is; using Hypnosis, we will communicate and work with your Unconscious Mind, allowing it to easily let go of the “program” it had installed for running that habit.
(As well as the reason for creating the habit in the first place)

See below for my “Breaking Unwanted Habits” article
featured in the June 2023 issue of “Health & Wellbeing Magazine”

Are you ready to take back control
of your happiness,
habits and behaviours?

Hypnosis Ireland Galway

Hypnosis for Unwanted Habits – Client Testimonials

“I’m feeling super Jonathan, my head is in a very good place.

I went through another weekend since we met and had zero desire to have a drink at all.

I’m also feeling quite focused on my diet and training too.

Much more than usual!”

Anonymous, Ireland

“I just had a session with Jonathan and it was amazing!

I had a great experience. Jonathan was very kind and caring.

I highly recommend his Hypnosis sessions.

You won’t be disappointed!”

Bahar, USA

“Jonathan made me feel very comfortable throughout my hypnosis session with him.

He has a fun, non-judgemental approach to his work and is quite knowledgeable in the various realms relevant to what he does.

I noticed he takes a very honest and thorough approach to his work – ensuring and testing he has fully cleared the issue before completing the session.

I had just one session with him for an issue I had been dealing with for over 10 years and to say it has changed my life for the better is an understatement.

I can finally be free to be who I once was before the problem had a major impact on my life these last 10 years.

It took a week for the results to come which I put down to internal processing/the issue filtering out but when it did there was great change for me.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me to live again!”

Darina, Ireland

Click the “Get Started” button below to take the first step towards breaking your Unwanted habits for good!


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